The Moringa and it’s health benefits

Moringa originated from Northern India and Arabia it is a scrubby beautiful tree a delicious succulent with a fern-like canopy of leaves and beautiful flowers. The Moringa is drought resistant and grows easy. It is a legume and adds nitrogen to the soil. It is also called the drumstick tree because the half-ripe pods or beans were used to beat the drums. Moringa leaves with onion is a delicious spinach

  • The Moringa tree contains 92 nutrients, 46 Antioxidants, 18 amino acids
  • Moringa has 4 times more potassium than bananas
  • 4 times more fibre than oats
  • 14 times more calcium than milk
  • 2 times more vitamin A than carrots
  • 8 times more iron than spinach
  • More vitamin C than 7 oranges



moringa, moringa flowers, moringa benefits,

Read more about the benefits and medicinal use of this tree

Click here to see the list of all the nutrients, anti-oxidants and amino acids as well as health benefits